End of Tenancy Cleaning in York

Are moving out of your current home? Do you need help with the cleaning before moving out? We are a cleaning company you can certainly trust.

We are definitely proud of our reputation for offering an excellent standard of cleaning service in York. As you can imagine the end of tenancy cleaning isn’t an exciting activity, but it is an important and necessary task. Golden Cleaners provides professional cleaning services in York. We carter our cleaning objective by using efficient cleaning products and the best techniques for providing excellent end of tenancy cleaning in York. We have a wide range of dedicated domestic deep cleaners who are capable of proving you with an excellent cleaning deep service. Our cleaning techniques rely upon your requirements as we work around our clients to make sure the cleaning service provided is up to their standard. Therefore, before starting any cleaning task our cleaners will look around the house/flat to find any areas that require more attention while walking you through of what will be done.

Our End Of Tenancy  Includes

In case of any specific instructions or problems, just let us know in advance so that our end of tenancy cleaning experts can handle the request. Here are some of the benefits that our end of tenancy cleaning services provide:

  • A team of experts in end of tenancy cleaning
  • Working as many hours as needed (for a fixed rate)
  • Special detergents (eco-friendly cleaning products)
  • Constant quality
  • Oven deep cleaning
  • 24 free review guaranteed
  • Key pick up upon request

End Of Tenancy Cleaning Checklist

The Property needs to be ready an clean for your new tenants or for you to get your deposit back? It needs to be cleaned completely, but there are some important points that you should focus on. We have compiled a list of some the most important focus areas which we always make sure that looks amazingly clean afterwards.

  • Doors. We make sure all doors and handles are clean.
  • Walls. Check for scuff marks, repaint sections on walls. As these can sometimes be rubbed off.
  • Windows. Clean all windows and its handles from the inside.
  • Ceilings.  Watch out for cobwebs in the corners and also clean the ceilings (extra fees may apply).
  • Fixtures and fittings. Dust and polish all light fittings & sockets.
  • Room by room. making sure all skirting boards are cleaning, floors hoovered and moped in some cases.

Kitchens & Appliances

  • Scrub doors
  • Wash and polish all work surfaces
  • Dishwasher to be cleaned both sides
  • Fridge to be cleaned both sides
  • Washing machine to be cleaned inside and outside
  • Microwave to be cleaned
  • Floors to be cleaned

Bathrooms & WC

  • Tiles, shower screen and floor to be cleaned
  • Toilet to be washed and disinfected
  • All Windows and doors to be wiped clean
  • Floors to be washed and clean
  • Mirrors to be cleaned

Living Rooms

  • Wipe and clean all furniture
  • Perform a thorough vacuum under all sofas and chairs
  • Removing all cushions and also throw pillows
  • Windows and doors must be wiped and polished
  • Cleaning of TV’s, DVD’s, and other all electronic equipment


  • We will clean all windows and doors until they shine
  • Cleaning of mirrors and all pictures
  • All the bedroom furniture will be wiped over from inside and outside
  • A thorough vacuum of carpets under mop or beds if applicable
  • The light fittings will be in bedrooms well clean so that it sparkles

Hallways & Staircases

  • Vacuuming of stairs
  • EOT will wipe & clean skirting boards
  • We can make the hallways & stairs look immaculate